Please read rules carefully before submitting
Films must have been completed after July 5th, 2019.
Films may have screened in other festivals but we do not accept films with past theatrical distribution or that have been broadcast (televised) anywhere in the U.S. before August 20th, 2021.
Films must be submitted via FilmFreeway online screener.
No Fee Waivers are available.
Entry fees are non refundable.
No commercials.
We do consider works in progress but your film needs to be close to completion and if selected it must be completed before July 23rd, 2021.
Do not send a press kit until your film has been selected.
All non-English language films must have legible English subtitles.
All multiple submissions must have separate forms and appropriate fees.
The selection committee's decisions are final.
If your film is selected, your screening print must arrive by July 23rd, 2021 and must be submitted as NTSC High-Definition (720p minimum) .MOV (H.264 or Apple ProRes), .MPG, .MP4 video files on a Data-DVD/Blu-Ray, a USB flash-drive or downloadable through a supplied link (YouTube, Vimeo, Hightail, Dropbox, Googledrive, etc.) – Playable-DVDs are NOT acceptable. Preferred screening print resolution is 1920x1080.
All films MUST use a Stereo audio format/mix – no 3.1, 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound mixes allowed.
If your film is selected, you must provide two high-resolution screen shots or a poster and a secure online link for press by July 12th, 2021. You will also be asked to provide press materials and a trailer for the website.
All filmmakers under the age of 18 must have a legal guardian submit on their behalf.
Filmmakers must be authorized to submit their films to the 2021 Moorpark Film Festival (MFF) and are responsible for the accuracy of all information provided on the application form.
The Moorpark Film Festival may use images, sounds and excerpts from the films for promotional purposes in all media including the MFF website and may present accepted films at the 2021 MFF.
Due to the volume of submissions we receive we are unable to contact each applicant individually if we do not receive his or her film. It is your responsibility to ensure that your package arrives at our office before the deadline you have selected.
You must clear all copyrighted materials included in your film before you can publicly screen it. However, MFF does not check to ensure that you have obtained clearance for these materials at any point during the application process, nor will we be held responsible for any inclusion of uncleared materials in your film. It is the sole responsibility of the entity submitting the project to secure permission from the copyright holders of the material in question, whether it is music, stock footage, or any other elements that could violate an existing copyright.
You indicate that you have read and understand the MFF entry guidelines and rules and regulations and that you agree to the MFF Terms and Conditions. Furthermore, you indicate that you shall indemnify and hold harmless the MFF from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees, and costs of the court) which may be incurred by reason of any claim involving copyright, trademark, credits, publicity, screening, and loss of or damage to the screening videos entered.